200 words essay on independence day

200 words essay on independence day

Independence Day is an annual public holiday in India commemorating the country’s independence from the United Kingdom on 15 August 1947, the day the provisions of the Indian Independence Act. India retained King George VI as its head of state until January 26, 1950, when the Indian Constitution took effect, replacing the dominion prefix, Dominion of India. India gained independence after an independence movement characterized largely by nonviolent resistance and civil disobedience.

Our freedom fighters fought for our country to liberate us. In schools and colleges, various functions are organized. In this, students perform acts to represent the struggle of our freedom fighters. In addition, the students will sing patriotic songs as a solo and duet. To instill patriotism and love for our country in us. No work is being done in offices today. Furthermore, officials wear the Tricolor to demonstrate their patriotism for the country. Employees also give speeches in different offices to educate people about the liberation struggle.

In our country, we celebrate Independence Day on a grand scale. Every government building is decked out in lighting. Furthermore, these lights come in three different colors: orange, green, and white. Furthermore, whether a government or private official, everyone must be present in the offices. to raise our national flag and sing our national anthem However, there are other reasons why we celebrate our country’s independence.


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